楼紫阳(Lou Ziyang)
- 生活垃圾填埋场稳定化及二次污染控制;
- 危险废物鉴别及源头减量技术;
- 生活垃圾温室气体排放与削减方法;
- 高浓度废水处理;
- 固废管理与循环经济。
2001 年,大连理工大学学士学位;
2001 年-2007 年,同济大学环境工程硕士,博士学位;
2007 年,Technical Univ. of Denmark, LCA;
2010年-2011年,Dresden Technical Univerisity, 洪堡学者。
1. Zhihang Yuan, Qiujie Huang, Zhuoqin Wang, Hui Wang, Jinming Luo, Nanwen Zhu, Xinde Cao, and Ziyang Lou*. Medium-Low Temperature Conditions Induce the Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in Microplastics with Conjugated Aromatic-Ring Structures during Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022. 56, 22, 16209–16220 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c044532.
2. Qiujie Huang; Zhaowen Cheng; Changfu Yang; Hui Wang; Nanwen Zhu; Xinde Cao; Ziyang Lou. Booming microplastics generation in landfill: an exponential evolution process under temporal pattern. Water Research. 223, 2022, 119035
3. Yijun Liua#, Zhaowen Chenga#, AJ Y. Chen , Yong Geng, Ke Zhang, Nanwen Zhu, Martin Skitmoree, Bofeng Cai*, Xiaoling Zhang*, Ziyang Lou*. Big Disparities of CH4 Emission Patterns from Landfills Between United States and China and Their Behind Driving Forces. Fundamental Research. 10.1016/j.fmre.2022.08.006
4. Yuan, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Luo, J.; Yuan, H.; Zhu, N.; Lou, Z., Quantifying the thermochemical pathways of soluble organics in sewage sludge flocs during pyrolysis for precursor optimization and by-product control. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 444, 136627.
5. Yuan, Z.; Luo, J.; Ndudi, E. A.; Ma, W.; Zhu, N.; Lou, Z., Systematic understanding of char-volatile evolution and interaction mechanism during sewage sludge pyrolysis through in-situ tracking solid-state reaction and products fate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 432, 128669.
6. Sun Zhiyi, Ma Jun, Liu Yijun, Wang Hui, Cao Weihua, Zhu Nanwen, Lou Ziyang. Mineralization of refractory organics in oil refinery wastewater by the catalytic ozonation with magnetic praseodymium-catalysts: Catalytic performances and mechanisms. Separation and Purification Technology. 277, 2021, 119506
7. Wang Yiping, Wei Wendong, Bi Zhujie, Cao Ruijie, Li Jiyang, Shu Di, Lou Ziyang*. Decomposing the decoupling of plastics consumption and economic growth in G7 and China: Evidence from 2001 to 2020 based on China's import ban. Journal of Environmental Management. 296,2021,113225
8. Kunyu Jiang, Zhaowen Cheng, Ziyang Lou*, Luochun Wang*, HailinLu, BijunXu, Ningben Jin. Chemical and olfactive impacts of organic matters on odor emission patterns from the simulated construction and demolition waste landfills. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 103, 2021,196-206
9. Hongying Lv, Luochun Wang, Guizhen Liu*, Ziyang Lou*, Lingyun Pang, Bofeng Cai, Qi Li. Risk assessment on the CCUS project using risk breakdown structure methodology: A case study on Jilin oilfield CO2-EOR Hei-79 block. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. 2021
10. Wei Li, Zhihang Yuan, Xiaoliang Chen, Hui Wang, Luochun Wang, Ziyang Lou*. Green refuse derived fuel preparation and combustion performance from the solid residues to build the zero-waste city. Energy. 225, 2021,120252